Start Living Your Best Life

You’ve put in the foundational work in the past steps, and now you’re ready to put it all together and start living your best life RIGHT NOW! Let me share my favorite quote from Thomas Edison:

“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”

Reading that was a game-changer for me—it’s what sparked the whole Living Your Best Life Now concept!

I asked myself:

  • What if I did all that I’m truly capable of?
  • What if I went all in?

It’s what motivated me to stop talking and start doing. I didn’t have this realization when I was young and bouncing with energy. Nope, it hit me when I turned 50. Some say life is half over at 50, but I thought, “Shoot, with all the biohacking, wellness tips, and modern healthcare, I might live another 50 years!” If I could do all that I’m capable of, I could really live the dream!

Of course, I had my share of “Life Smacks” by then, and without starting this in my 20s, I had no time to waste! God equipped me with everything I need to fulfill my purpose—I just had to align with His plans for living my best life.

Two of my favorite Bible verses are:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

These verses inspire me daily, and I created a prayer that keeps me focused on God’s plans so I can do what I’m capable of (and then some, with His help)! If you haven’t read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, add it to your list! I’ve devoured books, podcasts, and online courses to support my journey, and there are so many inspiring coaches and experts out there I can’t wait to share with you.


The Two-Minute “NOW” Life Hack

Here’s a life hack to help you crush your goals without feeling overwhelmed: the Two-Minute “NOW” Life Hack. If you’re like me, writing down all those action steps can feel like a lot, so this trick keeps you focused and moving forward.

Let’s dive into it together!


And They’re Off!

We all have 1,440 minutes in a day. But did you know that the most thrilling, high-stakes two minutes happen at the Kentucky Derby? It’s described as one of the greatest bucket-list sporting events by Forbes and has unmatched history and tradition. And the whole thing goes down in just TWO minutes!

It got me thinking: if two minutes can pack such a punch, imagine what we can accomplish in that time. I turned to my goals in the My Best Life categories, picked one quick task, and set my timer for two minutes. Turns out, two minutes is longer than you think! I reset the timer, tackled another action step, and was blown away by how easy and rewarding it felt to take even a small step toward my goals.

Why is the word NOW so powerful? Because if we wait until “tomorrow,” “next week,” or “someday,” that day might never come. By focusing on what we can do NOW, we shift our mindset and set the plan into motion.

The Two-Minute “NOW” Life Hack will give you a sense of accomplishment and a shot of motivation. Don’t believe me? Give it a whirl! Pick something you can do right now to move closer to your goal, set a timer, and make it happen! Starting with this small action will put you at the starting gate to live your best life.

The Two-Minute “NOW” Life Hack fast-tracks your dreams into reality!


Start Living Your Best Life Now!

The Living My Best Life Now program gives you the tools to create the life you want. Use the My Best Life Wheel, Goal Planning Sheets, Schedules, Notes, Dream Writing & Vision Boards, Journals, and Coaching programs—all in one place—to stay focused on your vision. Make yourself proud by exceeding your own expectations and rewriting your story! Find your purpose and start living your best life NOW!